MyShopper Pre-Release V1.80.0.1 Completed Jan 5th, 2025! |
Highlighting MyShopper Features
Demo now V1.80.0.1:MyShopper New Menu for better responsiveness. This is the foundation for potential new looks for Tablets and Smartphones.
New MyShopper Menu with simple features. Everything is done in one App!
GoShop Landscape View on iPhone. Checkoff picked up items via Fave column and screen reposts. When the list is gone, you are done shopping. Edit function allows updating the item, which includes adding notes.
New Convince Feature displaying Fave On items per store.
Demo now V1.70.0.3:Just fixed a bug so ALL stores with GoShop have store list properly showing.
Demo now V1.70.0.2: Responsive design enhancements to better handle smartphones, tablets and desktops. Conclusion of several days of work: Design for phones and tablets, then let the rest alone. Have also finished initial design and development to handle four Utilities: Settings, Carts, Stores and Users (demo release probably January 2025).
Demo now V1.70.0.0: 1) Visitors can now experience the current release of MyShopper features here. Once each Utility Suite is complete, it will be added to the Demo Release (Settings Utility is ready to be ported to DnD and Demo).
V1.70.0.0 upgrades: 1) Utility Suite now in development stage. It will consist of myshopper-settings, myshopper-carts, myshopper-stores and myshopper-users. Each utility will be a stand-alone App, which will make individual enhancements easier. Myshopper-carts is now complete, but not on a menu at this time. 2) MyShopper App for Development, Production (called DnD) and Demo have been simplified. 3) MyShopper continues to be used by us at Walmart, Lowes, Menards and Costco. We do now see isle numbering at Costco, which can improve store navigation.
V1.60.3.2 bug fixes: 1) GoShop bug fixed. It was not displaying THE LAST STORE that had FAVE ON items. 2) SESSIONS have been refined, and GoShop seems to be working as intended (for now).
Since the last update of V1.60.2 enhancements have focused on functionality to make the whole shopping experience more friendly. Friendly can be 1) When adding items to the shopping list, and 2) Finding the items more efficiently in the store, 3) Search, 4) Current GoShop Store and 5) @media enhancements for responsive design enhancements.
The Methodology of WpAppsForThat
What Is WpAppForThat Methodology?
The goal of WpAppsForThat methodology is to provide unique business features to WordPress and Plugins that creates required business functionality for the website.
Can WordPress or Plugins Do The Same Thing as Apps?
No! WordPress, Plugins and even themes are created for generalized use in websites. Apps are unique features created for a given website or industry.
Some Common Features of WordPress and Plugins?
A common feature of WordPress are Blogs. A specialized feature of a plugin is WP 2FA.
Skills For Developing WpAppsForThat
WordPress, PHP, HTML, CSS and MySQL and visualization of the website business functionality.
Author’s Bio
A Civil Engineer by education who wondered into Applications Development in the mid 1980s, and worked there until retirement in 2013. However, still dabbles in front-end WordPress app development.
Data processing was and still remains his favorite app, specifically telephone billing. His last big project was data processing design-develop in a successful $31M Class-Action Law suit case (settled around 2010-2011).
Around 2000 he entered web development using Perl and open source databases. The work also included a software team in Romania. Somewhere after 2010 he discovered WordPress.
In 2015 and 2016 he created two club websites in WordPress. However, after many frustration years with plugins, it became obvious the best solution was Learn Now To Write Front-End Apps for WordPress. Mission tackled and accomplished in 2019 and 2020. In 2023 and beyond, it is time to pass on this knowledge.
Summer of 2024 he started developing MyShopper.
In 2024 he is completing final enhancements for WWGVR.Org’s website and prepared to Teach people how to fish, but it never happened. Website shut down.
If you’re inspired and have some required skills, it’s probably time to build AppsForThat!