FYI, this is a beginning document to provide some basic overviews of the technical aspect of MyShopper.
Concept of MyShopper
The Concept of MyShopper comes from using a popular Grocery Shopping List for three years. It has a 4.9 rating from 70,000 reviews. It is loaded with features, bells and whistles, yet missing (or hidden within its settings) are two very critical features to be rated excellent: Unique item names and store location, nothing else matters if you can’t quickly get it. Thus the birth of MyShopper for WordPress by WpAppsForThat.Com.
Foundation of MyShopper
The Application is written in PHP using MySQL for the database, operates on WordPress and uses the Free Progressive Sparkling Theme by Colorlib, which operates on Desktops, Laptops, Tablets and Smartphones.
Current Database Design of MyShopper
MySQL Tables: wpapps_shopper_carts, wpapps_shopper_stores, wpapps_shopper_items, wpapps_shopper_settings, wpapps_shopper_users.
Technical Skills for MyShopper
WordPress PHP developer, experienced WordPress Admin, knowledge of themes and child themes, cPanel, MySQL and PhpMyAdmin.
Not A Developer – Very Reasonably Priced Assistance Available
Really want MyShopper for your website and use, but need installation help? Installation services available. Please contact me (The Author) and provide details.