From Wikipedia, Do it Yourself (DIY) is the method of building, modifying, or repairing things by oneself without the direct aid of professionals or certified experts. In the WPAppForThat world the DIYer assumes the roles of professional, user community and developer to create a product that meets the business requirements. Very often this work involves interfaces between one or more WordPress general features, plugins and creation of new business database tables.
What is In-Depth? It is the covering of many or all important points of a subject. In this case, it is covering the important point to create an App using the methodology of WpAppsForThat!
Occasionally available for projects or tutoring.
My retired hourly rates are comparable to a fast-food wages.
My objective is to teach and help others be successful Application DIYers.
Help Found Here Contact The Author. Answers to basics, hints, ideas and whatever you need to complete the next step or steps. It does not include endless support, this will be left to tutoring or project solutions for a fee.
Apps In-Depth Tab documentation will also answer many of these questions.
Groups As demand for App using the methodology of WpAppsForThat grows, so will in-depth documentation or groups on other internet platforms.